Tenant Submetering

The EG4xxx series meters are capable of monitoring up to 7 single-phase units (EG4x15) or 15 single-phase units (EG4x30) with a single meter. Single-phase units require 2 CTs each, one for each phase.

Example Wiring Diagram

Don't forget to check phasing!

Ensure the meter's L1, L2, and L3 breakers are the same phases as the panels L1, L2, and L3 phases, or a phase-mixup will occur and recorded data will be incorrect. See this article for more information on phase checking.

Example Configuration


In many submetering installations the same model CT will be used on all breakers. In this example, all CTs are set as 100A 20mm AccuCTs. If using CTid CTs, please click the blue CTid button to configure CTid sensors.



While the phasing pattern for units is typically staggered as L1 and L2, then L3 and L1, then L2 and L3, and so on, in the above example this changes with Unit 5 because the breakers for Unit 5, 6, and 7 begin on the right-hand side of the panel.

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